
Immigrants Can Now Learn English Naturally Without Worrying About Grammar With The Effortless English Club


えーEffortless EnglishがYahoo! Newsで紹介されました。 ;)

Immigrants Can Now Learn English Naturally Without Worrying About Grammar With The Effortless English Club

Tried and failed to learn English? It’s been a common problem for recent and future United States and Canadian immigrants. But that has changed with the introduction of The Effortless Club, a unique listen-first system designed to teach adults English without worrying about grammar.

San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) July 16, 2008 – Now immigrants can learn English like its their natural language with The Effortless English Club, a unique listen-first system designed to teach adults English with absolutely no grammar rules.

Worrying about traditional grammar can actually make learning English more difficult than it has to be. That’s why Allen “A.J.” Hoge, who has a master’s degree in Teaching English, has developed Effortless English, which has worked successfully at colleges. Mr. Hoge has taught at in Japan, Thailand and the United States.

The idea behind Effortless English is that people learn best through listening, not reading boring grammar books. Learners focus 90 percent of their time developing superior listening skills. Fluent speaking emerges intuitively and effortlessly as a result of improved listening.

Just because there aren’t boring grammar books doesn’t mean a student or immigrant won’t learn grammar. In Effort English, grammar is taught intuitively, using stories. By listening to stories told in various verb tenses, using various grammar forms, students absorb grammar rules the way children do -- intuitively and unconsciously.

Effortless English is a series of 28 different four-lesson sessions on MP3 that can be listened to in the car, at home or on the computer. Users don’t move on to the next lesson until they understand the previous one perfectly, so learning English becomes natural. Perhaps best of all, there is no monthly fee. It is a flat, one-time cost of $97.00

The Effortless English Club has been overwhelmingly well-received for people around the globe, like Juan Muñoz of Mexico, who said “Effortless English is absolutely amazing! I can finally speak to native speakers. I understand them and they understand me. I'm so happy! Six months ago I was afraid to speak English, now I love it! Thanks A.J."

Luyi Wang said “After using Effortless English (for) 4 months I went to America for my job. I was amazed! I could understand conversations and I could speak easily! Your lessons are incredible!”

The Effortless English Club is available to any recent or future immigrants, or anyone who just wants to finally learn English, at www.effortlessenglishclub.com.

日本語版Effortless English7つのルール

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Business English Lessons

今日はEffortless English の新しいレッスンについて紹介します。

"Success" Business English Lessons

Learn Business English and Improve Your Career or Business

I'm excited! Our Business English mini-album is ready. It's called "Success Business Lessons"

These are not normal, boring Business English Lessons. "Success" teaches you how to improve your career, how to create a successful business, and how to make and save more money.

In these lessons you get:

* 8 complete lesson sets, each with a Text Article, Vocabulary Lesson, Mini-Story Lesson, Audio Article, and a Commentary

* The secrets to making more money in your job or career

* The number one secret to success in business

* The "Effortless Success" audio-book, with text

* How to start your own small business

* How to market and grow your career or business

I'm excited because these lessons teach both English and Business. You learn useful ideas to improve your job, career, or business. You learn how to make more money, how to save more money, and how to have more control over your money and your life.

I'm excited because these lessons will improve your English AND your business life.

And there's more good news- The Success Business Lessons are only $37


Have a wonderful day !


英語学習7つのルール、Free Emailコース


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Lets enjoy learning English with Effortless English!!

既にメンバーの方は Effortless Englishの forms でメンバーとコミュニケーションを図りましょう!私も参加しています。 英語を通して世界中のメンバーと友達になりましょう!


How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci



さて、今日はFluency Fastから下記の文章を紹介します。

How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day
by Michael J. Gelb

Curiosita (p.9)
--- An insatiable curious approach to life and an unrelenting quest for continuous learning.

Learn a New Language (70-73)

Learning a new language is a popular ideal hobby and a wonderful way to cultivate Curiosita. Like Leonardo, you can learn a new language at any age. We all know that babies are the best learners. Their openness, energy, and playfulness allow them to learn languages with ease. A baby raised in a home where three languages are spoken will learn all three without difficulty. The good news is that if you re willing to adopt key aspects of the baby's learning strategy, you can progress with similar ease and delight. And as an adult, you can take advantage of resources that can help you learn even faster than a baby.
Let's say, for example, that you wanted to learn la bella lingua (the beautiful language): Italian. Here are a few tips for accelerating your language learning:

Be willing to make a lot of mistakes. Bambinos do not worry about looking cool or instantly achieving perfect pronunciation and grammar; they just dive in and speak. Your progress in learning will correlate directly with your willingness to play and embrace feelings of unfamiliarity and foolishness.

Have you ever noticed how babies will find a word or phrase and repeat it over and over? Do the same: repetition is the simplest secret of recall.

If possible, start your learning process with an "immersion course" Just as a rocket needs most of its energy to launch and fly out of your atmosphere, you will get the most out of your learning if you launch your efforts with a concentrated program. Your "intensive" with "jump-start" your brain circuitry to start rewiring for your new language.

If you can't find a formal immersion course, then create your own by listening to audiocassettes, watching Italian-language movies with subtitles, learning the lyrics of great Italian songs like "Rondini al Nido" and "Santa Lucia," singing along to Pavarotti recordings, sitting in Italian espresso bars and just listening to people talking, and going to real Italian restaurants and ordering in the native tongue. If you tell the waiter than you are trying to learn the language and ask for help, you will usually get a free Italian lesson, even better service, and sometimes extra antipasto!

Learn words and phrases related to areas of passionate interest. Many language programs are a bit boring because they focus on necessary but mundane matters such as "Where is the station?" and "Here is my passport." In addition to these every day matters, aim to learn the language of romance, sex, poetry, art, fine food, and wine.

Put Italian translation Post-it notes on everything in your house.

Most important, open yourself to the feeling of the language and culture. When you speak, pretend you are Italian (I recommend Marcello Mastroianni or Sophia Loren, for starters). Adopt the expressive gestures and facial expressions that go with the language; you will have more fun and learn much faster.






AJの Hichレッスンを聞いた事がある人は分かると思いますが、映画で英語を学ぶのも楽しいと思います。
ただ、残念ながら Effortless Englishでは映画を用いた教材がまだ完成していません。 

しかし、もうすぐビジネス英語のセットと、 AJとアメリカ人の友達が組んで、会話に特化したレッスンセットを創る予定なので、楽しみにしていて下さい。

Effortless English
で学習する前に映画を字幕なしで見てみましょう。そしてEffortless Englishで学習が終えてから、もう一度英語を見てみましょう!



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